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Thursday, September 19, 2024

How Kristina’s Bristol Bay Roots Help Her Meet People Where They Are for Clean Energy Solutions

As I’ve grown into my role as an Ambassador, several consistent energy-related themes have emerged across the region. One major challenge is the lack of a qualified workforce. Many communities struggle to attract or retain the skilled talent necessary to keep their energy systems running smoothly. Previously, I believed that wage levels were the primary barrier, but I’ve come to realize that the issue is more complex. Even when high-wage positions are available, finding and maintaining a stable workforce remains a significant hurdle.

Another recurring issue is the limited capacity for pursuing funding and implementing projects. The funding opportunities that do exist are often not well-suited to the unique needs of these communities. Programs can be underfunded, and the funds that are available either don’t provide the right level of flexibility to address current issues or come with burdensome reporting requirements that further strain an already overextended workforce.

Life in rural Alaska is demanding, and with small populations, the workload on individuals is often intense. Communities are expected to function at the same level as larger ones, but with far fewer resources, making it difficult to effectively pursue and manage energy projects. We need to find ways to meet people where they are, fostering growth and innovation to build a more resilient workforce.

Official news published at https://www.energy.gov/arctic/articles/how-kristinas-bristol-bay-roots-help-her-meet-people-where-they-are-clean-energy

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