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Friday, July 26, 2024

Open Letter: Farewell to Staff from the Outgoing Director of the DOE Office of Science

Open Letter: Farewell to Staff from the Outgoing Director of the DOE Office of Science

We have done all of this while making our programs, our workforce, and our processes more inclusive, accessible, and equitable than ever before. We certainly still have further to go, but I am proud of how far we’ve come already. It’s not just the new initiatives – RENEWFAIR, and PIER plans – it’s the hard work we’ve done to look at our own culture and processes and make changes where they’re needed.

I am so appreciative of the time and attention folks across the office are paying to meeting communities where they are with office hours, site visits, and conference engagements. All of these efforts demonstrate our commitment to ensuring that the federal resources we steward equitably serve the public.      

My hope is that, long after my tenure in this position has ended, the Office of Science will continue to be a place where everyone doing all manner of jobs to enable science will have a sense of belonging and purpose.

I will continue to be a cheerleader for science and look forward to seeing the Office of Science continue to educate, inspire, and share the wonder of discovery with all stakeholders. Further, in a world impacted by the climate crisis, I hope the Office of Science will strive to be an example for how big science operations can also be sustainable. 

I’m optimistic that the Office of Science and DOE will continue to stand strong to ensure that science doesn’t systematically exclude any community and instead brings in people from all walks of life to drive scientific advances.  

Serving as the Director of Science will always be the honor of my lifetime. Being your colleague even more so. Thank you for making the last couple of years so meaningful. 



Asmeret Asefaw Berhe

Official news published at https://www.energy.gov/science/articles/open-letter-farewell-staff-outgoing-director-doe-office-science

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